About Us

ScholarsNaija NG is an online educational platform/website that widens the horizon of students, Parents, Aspirants, Graduates, undergraduates and the general public and flood them with useful academic informations.

ScholarsNaija NG is an online website that disseminate Educational information which includes; Schools News, Latest News On education, Admission Guides, JAMB Informations, Schools Admission Gists, Post UTME Forms, Cut Off Marks for All Schools, Courses Offered By Various Universities, Polytechnics, College of Health and a lot more to students, aspirants and the entire world.

It also provides the public with informations for scholarship opportunities in and outside Nigeria.  One of the best of it kind in Nigeria.

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions for us. We are always available and delighted to assist.

We appreciate you visiting our website!!